Poetry at Polar Park (Verse-Virtual) |
Jazz and American Poetry |
A Little Phrase (Verse-Virtua) |
What's the Story? (Verse-Virtual) |
Person to Person (Verse-Virtual) |
Cinq or Swim (Verse-Virtual) |
Chopping it Up (Verse-Virtual) |
Guns Blazing (Verse-Virtual)) |
Really Really Really Tight Forms (Verse-Virtual) |
Larkin Around (Verse-Virtual) |
Stitching and Unstitching (Verse-Virtual) |
Telling it Slant (Verse-Virtual) |
The Shape I'm In |
You See It, You've Seen It (Verse-Virtual) |
Step Right Up (Verse-Virtual) |
Frost on the Punkin (Verse-Virtual) |
expression is the need of my soul (Verse-Virtual) |
Henri Coulette (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Don't Try This at Home(Verse-Virtual) |
Feeling it in B-Flat (Verse-Virtual) |
Who You? (Verse-Virtual) |
A Lot of Hot Air (Verse-Virtual) |
Everything But the Kitchen Zinc (Verse-Virtual) |
You Can Observe a Lot (Verse-Virtual) |
Catalytic Conversions (Verse-Virtual) |
Milk, Silk and Higgins (Verse-Virtual) |
Lights! Camera! Poem! (Verse-Virtual) |
Lagniappe Rhymes (Verse-Virtual) |
Couplets (Verse-Virtual) |
I Know It (Verse-Virtual) |
The Bat Test (Verse-Virtual) |
Make it Scan, Dammit! (Verse-Virtual) |
I Can't Scan (Verse-Virtual) |
J.V. Cunningham (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Kenneth Fearing (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Annie Finch (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Donald Finkel (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Carolyn Forche (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Donald Hall (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Robert Hayden (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Donald Justice (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Ted Kooser (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Rachel Loden (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Thylias Moss (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Marilyn Nelson (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Ed Sanders (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Charles Simic (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Theodore Weiss (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Yvor Winters (Greenwood Encyclopedia) |
Donald Hall (from the Woodstock Times) |
Joan Retallack |
Alicia Ostriker (Woodstock Times) |
Billy Collins (Woodstock Times) |
Galway Kinnell (Woodstock Times) |
Tired Words-Working Words |
Collaging Poems - by Patti Marshock |